Friday, December 2, 2011

How can we save money on gas and oil these days?

It seems that gas prices go up and down all the time. Sometimes, it limits what we do. Is there a way to save money?|||Obviously drive less, but i when you do drive there are a few things you can do to get better mileage. Numero uno is drive the speed limit. The faster you go the worse your mileage is going to be. Number 2, make sure your tires are inflated to the max psi as stated on the tire. Also, if you drive a stick you can put it in neutral when going down hills. It's mostly common sense stuff. No jack rabbit starts, stuff like that. And use the expensive synthetic motor oil. It might cost more initially but you don't have to change it as often and you get better mileage to boot.|||I'm gonna be short and sweet about it: Drive less and slow down.

If you are going to be doing a lot of highway driving, get a small car, but not a hybrid. (Hybrids often get worse fuel mileage than some SUV's on the freeway)|||walk, if you must drive, buy a small compact car, maybe a prius......

Gas and oil are never going to be a cheaper then they are....|||Plan ahead. Make the trips in car more efficient by doing more when you're out, rather than driving to the store, school, the movies, etc all separately. Try to choose less busy times of the day, so you're not stuck in traffic. Of course, don't drive if you don't have to!!

Keep your car in good working order. Tuneups, proper tire inflation, better quality gasoline can all increase gas mileage. So can cruise control on longer trips.

Get a card that gives you rewards for gasoline purchases. Shell has a card that gives you a percentage of your gasoline purchases back, so you end up paying less for the gasoline. Just remember to pay off the balance every month!!

Watch your driving habits. Don't smash the accelerator as soon as the light changes. Smooth and steady saves gas. If you know you're going to have to stop up ahead, let the car coast rather than applying the brake at the last second. You used gas to build up that speed, if you brake hard, you wasted it.

Don't carry lots of junk around in your car. It takes energy to move weight and the more you have in your car, the more energy it takes to move it. Keep some emergency gear in there, but don't carry books, sports equipment and similar stuff every day. You'd be surprised how much that helps.

Whenever you see prices drop, buy as much gas as you can. This way, if it goes up again, you've saved a little money. If it goes down, fill up again, even if it only takes a few gallons. This way you're getting as much cheap gas as possible.

Hope these tips help!|||one word commute with co-workers and less driving

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